Hello! Short post today...I was in Paris last weekend and was able to see my mom's friend from college, Joshua, who has lived in Paris for 25 years. We went to a French flea market and the Louvre and saw the Church where designer Yves St. Laurent was buried just a few weeks ago! I went to the Eiffel Tower every day I was in Paris and climbed to the top on Saturday night. It glittered blue and sparkled at every hour and we saw it at midnight, which was really neat! Lots of pictures, which I will post soon! I bought a dress on the Champs Elysees and saw Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe. There are also so many gypsies in Paris who try to swindle people, so we had to be really careful with our bags and everything!
We also went to the European premiere of The Dark Knight on Monday and saw Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, director Chris Nolan, and some other famous people so that was really fun!!
Tomorrow I leave for Edinburgh for the weekend and on Monday we are going to Dublin for a few days. My last class was today, but I still have a paper and an exam. I can't believe that time has gone so fast!! I've attached a few photos - miss you all!!
PS. Georgia Nicolson movie comes out on
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